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Welcome to Channel WEED Thailand .    "We're happy to accompany you !"


Some say we're ridiculous​ but please realize that the most people addicted 
is not alcohol but cannabis.
More so Weed not War 1000m laughs 0 death
As John Lennon said "Marijuana is the main thing that promote non-violence among the youth, because as soon as they have it--first of all you have to laugh on your first experience. There's nothing else you do but laugh. Then nothing would ever stop it   nothing on earth is going to stop it the only thing to do is find out how to use it in the best way"
Nevertheless marijuana can cure and recover people from many disaster just like 
Migraine ,Headaches, Asthma, Strokes ,Parkinson's disease ,Alzheimer's disease Alcoholism ,Insomnia ,AID

Lesson we yet to learn !



To be honest I'm tired of the question that how to grown weed.
This is not such easy as grow your flower especially in warm country 
just like Thailand. There so many way to grown for example indoor outdoor grown box etc. Moreso let's this website explain you how

What is THC ???

THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana. When used, either through ingestion or inhalation, THC binds to specific receptors in the brain called cannabinoid receptors. In low doses, THC causes some pain reduction, may reduce aggression, can stimulate appetite, and help reduce nausea. Higher doses may cause the “high” associated with marijuana, leading to altered perception of time and space, feelings of happiness, or feelings of fatigue.


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